Liquitex Pro 透色調混劑Liquitex Professional Glazing Medium
LQX-75產品簡介 Description
透明畫法 (Glazing) 是指將半透明嘅顏色一層一層重疊,以達至混色的效果,例如如果想要紫色,就首先塗一層透明紅色,乾後再塗上一層透明藍色,這種畫法能夠做出一種透明而明亮的效果,令作品更有層次感!
透色調混劑能與塑膠彩混合,增加顏色透明度丶減低黏度及增加亮光效果 。
- 選擇透明度較高的顏色能夠做出較清晰乾淨的透明層次
- 建議配合Liquitex Soft Body塑膠彩使用,黏度及質地會較理想
Increase transparency, lower viscosity and enhance gloss so you can create professional jewel-like glazes.
What it does
- Increases color depth, transparency and surface gloss
- Dries quickly for rapid layering
- Lowers viscosity and minimizes brush strokes
- Extends your color further without affecting acrylic stability
- Maintains paint adhesion, durability and archival quality
How to use it
- Fully intermixable with all Liquitex products
- Use with transparent and semi-transparent colors for rich glazed effects
- Can be thinned by diluting with up to 25% water - distilled water will give best results
- Mix as much as you like into acrylic color to create the viscosity and transparency you want - the more you add, the thinner and more transparent your color will become
- Stir gently to avoid creating foam - if bubbles appear, leave it to sit while the bubbles rise and disappear
- Color will temporarily lighten and then return to its original level when dry
- Mix with Slo-Dri Medium or Slow-Dri Fluid Additive if you want to extend working time
- Let each layer dry completely before applying the next
- Apply to dry, painted areas to change coloration without losing established detail
How not to use it
- Do not shake or vigorously over-brush as this can result in a foggy, hazy look when dry
- Do not use with any non-acrylic media
編號 Item No. | 產品種類 Description | 現價 Price | 數量 Qty | ||
7504 | 118ml | 68.0072.00 | 加入購物籃 Add to Cart | ||
118ml | |||||
7508 | 237ml | 106.00112.00 | 加入購物籃 Add to Cart | ||
237ml | |||||
7516 | 473ml | 168.00177.00 | 加入購物籃 Add to Cart | ||
473ml | |||||
7532 | 946ml | 263.00277.00 | 加入購物籃 Add to Cart | ||
946ml |